Donut Go On A Diet

Keeping a healthy eating journal or reading a dietary blog, you start understanding the ins and
outs of nutrition. Correlation is an understatement; direct eects exist between smart food
choices and quality of life and they occur daily. The more we’re connected with our body and
mind the more we can sense our aura cleansing as we replenish ourselves with antioxidants,
probiotics, amino acids, etc. It’s the happy hormones talking! While serotonin, dopamine are
doing their job and stimulating energy, our mental and physical health improves beyond
threshold and empowerment is felt. So if you’re planning to change up your must-have
ingredients for that grocery list, listen up! A balanced diet is really all about having a well-
rounded diet. It’s best we keep things simple and intuitive.
That’s why we have on board certified health and wellness coach Gina Perin. Prioritize Health
and Eat Clean!
Podcast episode will be followed by an Italian dessert recipe for Carnevale
Celebrations: Fritelle!
copyright 2022 Art of Living, Prima Media Inc

Editor: Vareesha B.



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